Images of the Street: Analysis of Cultural Expression through Graffiti

  • Michel Álvarez Gutiérrez Universidad de Medellín
  • Mariana Mesa Tabares Universidad de Medellín
Keywords: graffityi, young people, art, Medellín, Colombia, culture


This study has as its purpose to perform an iconography analysis of the styles and elements present in the urban graffiti making in the Metropolitan area of Medellin. This research arises from a qualitative methodology and its located within the historical review of the pertinence of graffiti; in the city, it is worth mentioning the social significance that is imposed in urban artistic movement, that beyond expressing talent also lead to re-significations of the Colombian context and its historicity. Currently, graffiti implies in itself an element of social restoration for the city of Medellin and its surroundings, modifying the social dynamics for the youngsters and improving the City-brand from tourism, mostly among the juvenile and foreign populations; from that, en exaltation of significant elements is established, as well of some social recognition ones, taking into account a reality which is always generally linked to what’s established for the citizens, from progress, history, and the need for change.

  • References

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    Martínez, A. (2018). Paisajes tatuados: grafitis en el Norte Centro Histórico de Barranquilla (2012-2017) [Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, FLACSO Ecuador].

    Lopera, Á., & Coba, P. (2016). Intervención del espacio público: percepción ciudadana del grafiti en la ciudad de Ibagué, Colombia. Revista Encuentros, 14(1), 55–71.

    Panofsky, E. (2001). Estudios sobre iconología. Alianza universidad (AU).

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  • Author Biographies

    Michel Álvarez Gutiérrez, Universidad de Medellín

    Estudiante de séptimo semestre del programa de Comunicación Gráfica Publicitaria de la Universidad de Medellín. Participante del semillero específico en Comunicación Gráfica Publicitaria.

    Mariana Mesa Tabares, Universidad de Medellín

    Estudiante de sexto semestre del programa de Comunicación Gráfica Publicitaria de la Universidad de Medellín. Participante del semillero específico en Comunicación Gráfica Publicitaria.



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