Communication Situations of the Students of the University of Medellin who of Medellin in International Exchanges in the 2019-2020 Period


  • Estefanía Sanabria Bravo Universidad de Medellín
  • Johan Sebastián Torres Universidad de Medellín
  • Isabella Pareja Toro Universidad de Medellín


communicational situations, student exchanges, international exchanges, communicational limitations


The general objective of this research was to investigate the communicational situations that condition the interactions of Young university students of the University of Medellin in international exchanges in the period 2019-2020. The methodology was qualitative with phenomenological design and allowed answering the research question: How do communicational situations condition the interactions of young university students in international exchanges? The main results of this research were that students face limitations, personal circumstances and conflicts when being in a foreign context. It was found that the most influential factor is personality, in terms of perception and adaptation to the process and culture of the country in which the student is immersed. In addition to this, it was also found that the students who carried out an academic exchange lived different experiences that contributed to their personal and academic development, regardless of the internal and external conflicts that some of them experienced.

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Author Biographies

Estefanía Sanabria Bravo, Universidad de Medellín

Comunicación y Lenguajes Audiovisuales, séptimo semestre. Correo electrónico:

Johan Sebastián Torres, Universidad de Medellín

Comunicación y Relaciones Corporativas, séptimo semestre. Correo electrónico:

Isabella Pareja Toro, Universidad de Medellín

Comunicación y Relaciones Corporativas, séptimo semestre. Correo electrónico: 


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