General features of the speech of youth radio on sexuality and emotion

Richard Tamayo | Biografia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Eduardo Gutiérrez | Biografia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Eliana Herrera Huérfano | Biografia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana


This article expounds an approximation to the characteristics of the radio’s morning shows for juvenile audiences, reconstructing the general trends of its structures which, like a merry-go round, offer a constant mix of music, advertisements and conversations that tend to sexualize all issues. This text is a partial outcome to the Observatory over the effectiveness and sexuality in the programming of radio shows for juvenile audiences, supported by the Ministry of Education; hence the first section oí the article is a panoramic overview of the theoretical and methodological approach towards the search for the mechanisms that reveal the characteristical mobility of the evanescent radio discourse.

Como Citar
Tamayo, R., Gutiérrez, E., & Herrera Huérfano, E. (1). General features of the speech of youth radio on sexuality and emotion. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 4(8), 171-184. Recuperado de


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