20 Minutes, a Reference for Free Press in Spain and its Contribution to Online Journalism: From News Organizer to Dialogue Genres


With its emergence at the beginning of this century, free press convulsed the media landscape and thus forced the conventional press to undergo editorial changes. Based on seven in-depth interviews with 20 Minutos responsible at the time, this paper describes the organization and contents of 20 Minutos, the first Spanish newspaper to merge paper and web press, even before the advent of social networks. 20 Minutos can be better understood as a news organizer than as a traditional mass-media. Its agenda-setting, with cross-sections, can be seen today on native digital newspapers home. The level of interaction increases with the gestation of dialogic genres: chats, surveys, or live online interviews. The results also show the absence of an ideology or that the company owner is an important communication group of Norway. The possibility, for the first time, of instantly knowing the traffic of each news on the web press determines the newspaper. Its pioneering nature brought formal and structural changes to journalism that were transferred to the web press and endured over time, such as the power of clicks, the engagement or a more extensive agenda-setting, and more dialogic spaces that arouses interest in participation by the reader.


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How to Cite
Argiñano, J.-L., & Goikoetxea-Bilbao, U. (2022). 20 Minutes, a Reference for Free Press in Spain and its Contribution to Online Journalism: From News Organizer to Dialogue Genres. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 20(40), 29-46. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v20n40a2


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