Carlos Andrés Díaz Restrepo | Biografia
Universidad Libre de Colombia
Pedro Luis Duque Hurtado | Biografia
Universidad de Caldas
Juan Pablo Builes Correa | Biografia
Universidad Catolica Luis Amigo


A falta de consenso entre os pesquisadores sobre os benefícios ou perdas que o investimento social acarreta levou ao ceticismo dos investidores corporativos em relação à alocação de fundos para esse fim. Ainda mais, alguns pesquisadores argumentam que esse consenso nunca será alcançado, pois os resultados sempre variarão de acordo com o contexto, a pesquisa e as características gerais do estudo. Para contribuir com esse tópico de pesquisa, este artigo realiza uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre desempenho financeiro e responsabilidade social corporativa por meio de instrumentos e técnicas bibliométricas. Assim, foi desenvolvida uma consulta nos bancos de dados Scopus e Web of Science para estudos de pesquisa publicados entre 2000 e 2021. Os textos foram analisados com o uso das ferramentas R e Tree of Science. Os registros recuperados foram classificados em três categorias usando a metáfora da árvore, a saber: clássica, estrutural e recente. A categoria recente identificou três perspectivas que estruturam a pesquisa atual sobre desempenho financeiro e responsabilidade social corporativa: relações e medidas de negócios, governança corporativa e impactos, e gestão e divulgação. Além disso, é proposta uma agenda de pesquisas futuras.


  1. Abbott, W. F. y Monsen, R. J. (1979). On the Measurement of Corporate Social Responsibility: Self-Reported Disclosures as a Method of Measuring Corporate Social Involvement. Academy of Management Journal, 22(3), 501-515.
  2. Acevedo, J. P., Robledo, S. y Sepúlveda, M. Z. (2020). Subáreas de internacionalización de emprendimientos: una revisión bibliográfica. Económicas CUC, 42(1), 249-268.
  3. Alexander, G. J. y Buchholz, R. A. (1978). Corporate Social Responsibility and Stock Market Performance. Academy of Management Journal, 21(3), 479-486.
  4. Ali, H. Y., Danish, R. Q. y Asrar-ul-Haq, M. (2020). How corporate social responsibility boosts firm financial performance: The mediating role of corporate image and customer satisfaction. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(1), 166-177.
  5. Allouche, J. y Laroche, P. (2005). A meta-analytical investigation of the relationship between corporate social and financial performance. Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, (57), 18.
  6. Ankudinov, A. y Badykova, I. (2020). Empirical analysis of the relationship between the costs of corporate social responsibility policy implementation and Russian companies’ financial performance. Upravlenets, 11(2), 16-26.
  7. Aras, G., Aybars, A. y Kutlu, O. (2010). Managing corporate performance: Investigating the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in emerging markets. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 59(3), 229-254.
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  10. Aupperle, K. E., Carroll, A. B. y Hatfield, J. D. (1985). An Empirical Examination of the Relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility and Profitability. Academy of Management Journal, 28(2), 446-463.
  11. Barauskaite, G. y Streimikiene, D. (2021). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance of companies: The puzzle of concepts, definitions and assessment methods. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(1), 278-287.
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  17. Chetty, S., Naidoo, R. y Seetharam, Y. (2015). The impact of corporate social responsibility on firms’ financial performance in South Africa. Contemporary Economics, 9(2), 193-214.
  18. Choi, J. S., Kwak, Y. M. y Choe, C. (2010). Corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance: Evidence from Korea. Australian. Journal of Management, 35(3), 291-311.
  19. Chtourou, H. y Triki, M. (2017). Commitment in corporate social responsibility and financial performance: a study in the Tunisian context. Social responsibility, journalism, law, medicine, 13(2), 370-389.
  20. Clavijo-Tapia, F. J., Duque-Hurtado, P. L., Arias-Cerquera, G. y Tolosa-Castañeda, M. A. (2021). Organizational communication: a bibliometric analysis from 2005 to 2020. Clío América, 15(29), 621-640.
  21. Cochran, P. L. y Wood, R. A. (1984). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Academy of Management Journal. Academy of Management, 27(1), 42-56.
  22. Cordeiro, J. J., Galeazzo, A., Shaw, T. S., Veliyath, R. y Nandakumar, M. K. (2018). Ownership influences on corporate social responsibility in the Indian context. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35(4), 1107-1136.
  23. Creyer, E. H. (1997). The influence of firm behavior on purchase intention: do consumers really care about business ethics? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 14(6), 421-432.
  24. Dahlsrud, A. (2008). How corporate social responsibility is defined: an analysis of 37 definitions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 15(1), 1-13.
  25. Dao, V.-T., Phung, M.-T. y Cheng, H. (2020). The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Financial Performance: A Moderating Effect of Economic Policy Uncertainty. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(5), 304.
  26. de Velde Eveline, V., Vermeir, W. y Corten, F. (2005). Corporate social responsibility and financial performance. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, 5(3), 129-138.
  27. Demiroz, F. y Haase, T. W. (2019). The concept of resilience: a bibliometric analysis of the emergency and disaster management literature. Local Government Studies, 45(3), 308-327.
  28. Díez, D., Ospina, J. D., Robledo, S. y Córdoba, M. del P. R. (2022). Tendencias teóricas y desafíos en la comunicación de la responsabilidad social corporativa. Anagramas: Rumbos y sentidos de la comunicación, 20(40), 146-176.
  29. Ding, Y., Yan, E., Frazho, A. y Caverlee, J. (2010). PageRank for ranking authors in co‐citation networks. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(11), 2229-2243.
  30. Duque, P. y Cervantes, L. S. (2019). Responsabilidad Social Universitaria: una revisión sistemática y análisis bibliométrico. Estudios gerenciales, 35(153), 451-464.
  31. Duque, P. y Duque Oliva, E. J. (2022). Tendencias emergentes en la literatura sobre el compromiso del cliente: un análisis bibliométrico. Estudios Gerenciales, 38(162), 120-132.
  32. Duque, P., Meza, O. E., Giraldo, D. y Barreto, K. (2021). Economía Social y Economía Solidaria: un análisis bibliométrico y revisión de literatura. Revesco: revista de estudios cooperativos, (138), 187-212.
  33. Duque, P. y Ortiz, D. (2022). Perspectivas y tendencias de investigación en emprendimiento social. Desarrollo Gerencial, 14(1), 1-26.
  34. Duque, P., Samboni, V., Castro, M., Montoya, L. A. y Montoya, I. A. (2020a). Neuromarketing: Its current status and research perspectives. Estudios Gerenciales, 36(157), 525-539.
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  36. Duque, P., Trejos, D., Hoyos, O. y Mesa, J. C. C. (2021). Finanzas corporativas y sostenibilidad: un análisis bibliométrico e identificación de tendencias. Semestre Económico, 24(56), 25-51.
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  40. Gonçalves, T., Gaio, C. y Ferro, A. (2021). Corporate Social Responsibility and Earnings Management: Moderating Impact of Economic Cycles and Financial Performance. Sustainability: Science Practice and Policy, 13(17), 9969.
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