Carlos Andrés Díaz Restrepo | Bio
Universidad Libre de Colombia
Pedro Luis Duque Hurtado | Bio
Universidad de Caldas
Juan Pablo Builes Correa | Bio
Universidad Catolica Luis Amigo


The lack of consensus among researchers on the benefits or losses that social investment entails has led to skepticism by corporate investors regarding the allocation of funds for this end. Furthermore, some researchers argue that such a consensus will never be reached, since results will always vary according to context, research, and general study characteristics. To contribute to this research topic, this article conducts a systematic review of the literature on financial performance and corporate social responsibility by means of bibliometric instruments and techniques. Thus, a query was developed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases for research studies published between 2000 and 2021. The texts were analyzed using the R and Tree of Science tools. The records retrieved were classified into three categories using the tree metaphor, namely: classic, structural, and recent. The recent category identified three perspectives structuring current research on financial performance and corporate social responsibility: business relations and measures, corporate governance and impacts, and management and disclosure. Additionally, a future research agenda is proposed.


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How to Cite
Díaz Restrepo, C. A., Duque Hurtado, P. L., & Builes Correa, J. P. (2023). FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: INTELLECTUAL MAPPING AND FUTURE RESEARCH AGENDA. Semestre Económico, 25(59), 1-31.


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