Descripción de la clasificación de publicaciones y los modelos utilizados en la solución del problema de enrutamiento vehicular con entregas y recogidas

Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva | Biografía
Antonio Hernando Escobar Zuluaga | Biografía


Esta revisión presenta la descripción del estado de arte del problema de enrutamiento vehicular con entregas y recogidas (VRPPD), producto obtenido de la revisión de literatura de la mayoría de modelos reportados en la literatura técnica internacional y utilizados por muchos años por investigadores especializados en el campo. Esta clasificación considera los diferentes métodos de solución, el tratamiento del problema en el tiempo y las futuras tendencias del mismo en cuanto a su formulación y propuesta de nuevos métodos de solución como la metaheurística causada por la complejidad del problema. Finalmente, se dejan para discusión diferentes elementos sobre herramientas existentes y disponibles para la solución de este problema.


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[17] I. Karaoglan, F. Altiparmak, I. Kara, B. Dengiz. “A branch and cut algorithm for the location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp. 318-332, 2011.

[18] R. Masson, S. Ropke, F. Lehuédé, O. Péton. “A branch and cut and price approach for the pickup and delivery problem with shuttle routes”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, articulo en proceso, 2013.

[19] G. Gutiérrez Jarpa, G. Desaulniers, G. Laporte, V. Mariano. “A branch and price algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Deliveries, Selective Pickups and Time Windows”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp. 341-349, 2010.

[20] M. Cherkesly, G. Desaulniers, G. Laporte. “A population-based metaheuristic for the pickup and delivery problem with time windows and LIFO loading”. Computers & Operations Research, Volume 62, pp. 23-35, 2015.

[21] P. Venkateshan, K. Mathur. “An efficient column generation based algorithm for solving a pickup and delivery problem”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp.1647-1655, 2011.

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[51] I. Gribkovskaia, O. Halskau, G. Laporte, M. Vicek. “General solutions to the single vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries.” European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 568-584, 2007.

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[54] G. Erdogan, J. F. Cordeau, G. Laporte. “The pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with first in first out loading”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 1800-1808, 2009.

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[56] A. Subramanian, L. M. A Drummond, C. Bentes, L. S. Och, R. Farias. “A parallel heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 1899-1911, 2010.

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[58] I. Karaoglan, F. Altiparmak, I. Kara, B. Dengiz. “ The location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery: Formulations and a heuristic approach”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 465-477, 2012.

[59] P. Y. Yang, J. F Tang, Y. Yu, J. X. Pei. “Minimizing Carbon Emissions through Vehicle Routing and Scheduling in the Shuttle Service of Picking up and Delivering Customers to the Airport”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 424-432, 2013.

[60] P. K. Sheridan, E. Gluck, Q. Guan, T. Pickles, B. Balcıoglu, B. Benhabib. “ The dynamic nearest neighbor policy for the multivehicle pickup and delivery problem”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 178-194, 2013.

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[67] K. Ganesh, T. T. Narendran. “CLOVES: A cluster and search heuristic to solve the vehicle routing problem with delivery and pickup”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, Part B 40, pp. 699-717, 2007.

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[71] A. Hoff, I. Gribkovskaia, G. Laporte, A. Lokketangen. “Lasso solution strategies for the vehicle routing problem with pickups and deliveries”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp. 755-766, 2009.

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[74] G. Erdogan, M. Battarra, G. Laporte, D. Vigo. “Metaheuristics for the traveling salesman problem with pickups, deliveries and handling costs”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp. 1074-1086, 2012.

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[76] E. Zachariadis, C. Tarantilis, C. Kiranoudis. “A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pick-up service”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp. 1074-1086, 2012.

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[79] Y. Gajpal, P. Abad. “An ant colony system (ACS) for vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER. Computers & Operations Research, pp. 3215-3223, 2009.

[80] E. Zachariadis, C. Tarantilis, C. Kiranoudis. “An adaptive memory methodology for the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pick-ups and deliveries”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER, pp. 401- 411, 2010.

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[94] C. Ting, X. Liao. “The selective pickup and delivery problem: Formulation and a memetic algorithm”. European Journal of Operational Research-ELSEVIER. International Journal of Production Economics, pp. 199-211, 2013.

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Cómo citar
Ballesteros Silva, P. P., & Escobar Zuluaga, A. H. (2016). Descripción de la clasificación de publicaciones y los modelos utilizados en la solución del problema de enrutamiento vehicular con entregas y recogidas. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 15(28), 287-306.


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