Cognitive Autonomy and Reading Comprehension in a Foreign Language in Graduate Programs, a Case Study

Maira Alejandra Pulgarín Rodríguez | Bio
Universidad de Antioquia


This article is the result of a reflection
from the results of a research process developed
in a private university in Medellin
city in graduate programs, in relation to
reading proficiency in a foreign language
and courses offered by the Institution to
meet the requirement to be awarded a
degree at graduate level.

The main purpose of the research
allowed stablishing relations between the
cognitive autonomy of students -of a graduate
program- acquiring a foreign language
and cognitive and didactic strategies
implemented by students and professors
to develop reading proficiency in such a
language, while taking courses to meet the
graduation requirement.


How to Cite
Pulgarín Rodríguez, M. A. (1). Cognitive Autonomy and Reading Comprehension in a Foreign Language in Graduate Programs, a Case Study. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 3(6), 65-87. Retrieved from


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