Education from Compassion. Familiar Scenario as Context

Claudia Patricia Granda Ibarra | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


This article is intended to propose a reflection on the education from an ethical and moral point of view, focused on the value of compassion as a vital instrument to develop other altruistic values such as solidarity, justice, love, and liberty. With a reflexive methodology and from the philosophical and hermeneutic analysis of texts and essays, and principally according to the position of authors such as Kant, Schopenhauer, Aristotle, an Mélich, the objective of the article is to show the way education implies a praxis from the point of view of compassion and a teaching from the point of view of testimony, having family as the main educational scenario, followed by school and society, so that people can be educated as authentic and autonomous citizens, aware of their human rights and capable of assuming challenges of present time and constructing their own social conditions in a responsible manner.


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How to Cite
Granda Ibarra, C. P. (2016). Education from Compassion. Familiar Scenario as Context. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 5(9), 63-79.


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