Yambo (collage), Jorge Esteban Zapata Garcés

Sign and memory: The fragment as an artistic and communicative form

Jorge Esteban Zapata Garcés | Bio
Universidad Eafit


This article reaffirms how collage (artistic method, whereby materials and images are combined from different contexts), establishes a communication via signs that derive from associations with geography and culture. Drawing on multiple theories of signs, cultural memory and identity are interrelated in response to critical situations. Collage as an artistic expression of the twentieth century shows how identity and memory are conceived through the use of cultural signs.


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How to Cite
Zapata Garcés, J. E. (2018). Sign and memory: The fragment as an artistic and communicative form. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 6(11), 139-146. https://doi.org/10.22395/csye.v6n11a7


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