Improvisación, JE Zapata Garcés

Neuroscience in social-human sciences: a transdisciplinary outlook

Martha Elena Álvarez Duque | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


This article is intended to show neuroscience as a new paradigm which involves a wide field of knowledge; a paradigm that has not only studied structuring and functioning of brain mechanisms, cognitive processes, and mind-brain relationship, but has also proposed all kind of explanations for complex social and cultural interactions executed through education as a transforming and facilitating tool for learning achieved thanks to brain plasticity which, in turn, allows adjustment of human beings to new circumstances and permanently acquiring information about the environment and all other human beings to incorporate them again into their “human actions.” From a transdisciplinary point of view, the intention of neuroscience is to gather issues inherent to its relationship to social and human sciences such as communication, philosophy, anthropology, criminology, sociology, as well as those areas related to society, education, culture, politics, ethics, aesthetics, ecology, among others. However, social neuroscience, neuro-culture, neuro education, and neuro-ethics make emphasis on this proposal. Reflections, from this innovative perspective, open new doors which allow approaching the significant progress in relation to explanations about the brain, more specifically about human “actions” within a social-cultural context.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Duque, M. E. (2011). Neuroscience in social-human sciences: a transdisciplinary outlook. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 2(3), 153-166. Retrieved from


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