Reflections on the individual that the teacher could embody with the purpose of displaying an idea of education from a narrative and aesthetic perspective

Lina María Herrera Montoya | Bio
Municipio de Medellín


Instead of exhibiting through this article any intention to break old paradigms or to establish a profile every teacher should stick to, I tried to narratively and theoreti­cally open a different space in which our occupation and condition as subjects may be thought in a different manner: A complex space in which praxis and theory may con­verge in a common point reivindicativo de la pregunta que vuelve sobre la mismidad, where individuals en la dignidad del sitio y la situacion interrogativa accept them­selves as implacable and inacabados and, during the narrative exercise ??? apuestan hacia la construcción del sujeto y a la uni­cidad del ser, deviniendo así en una ética del cuidado de sí y en una estética de la existencia del maestro.

How to Cite
Herrera Montoya, L. M. (2014). Reflections on the individual that the teacher could embody with the purpose of displaying an idea of education from a narrative and aesthetic perspective. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 3(5), 59-78. Retrieved from


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