Background and evolution of Ecological Economics

Francisco Javier Correa Restrepo | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


Because of the lack of answers on behalf of the neo-classical economy to the everincreasing
environmental problems as a result of the economical activities, a new vision
has started to develop: the ecological economy. In this new focus, the bases for a new way
of seeing the relationship between the natural world and the economical world take root.
This article mainly aims at undertaking an analytical review of the main ideas expounded
within the ecological economy; and at establishing a referent about the new debate
between the ecological economy and the neo-classical economy. As a core conclusion,
the article explains that it is necessary to redirect the economy-environment relationship
towards a new examination of two core aspects of the environmental economy: 1) the
value judgment through which the environmental problems should be analyzed with
the criteria of the wellbeing; and 2) the conception that it can initiate with the analysis
of individual problems in the search for criteria that would orientate the economical
administration of natural resources.

How to Cite
Correa Restrepo, F. J. (1). Background and evolution of Ecological Economics. Semestre Económico, 9(17), 13-41. Retrieved from


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