Organizations Administration and Its evolutionary development and proposals for the new century

Jenny Martínez Crespo | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


The following article offers the reader a journey through the managerial and organizational thinking evolution process from the late 1800s up to the present. The journey starts by studying the classical managerial thinking and its most characteristic
individuals such as: F.W. Taylor, H. Fayol, M. Weber and E. Mayo; the reader will also find their contributions to the contemporary managerial thinking creation development. Previous to a deep analysis of the contemporary managerial thinking and its most significant characters, the reader will be able to identify the rupture moment between the contemporary managerial thinking and classical thinking by means of the contributions the General System
Theory provides to the management science. As a final point, the reader will conclude this journey by going through the last four decades of the XX century. This allows him to focus on the end-of- the- century emerging proposals which gently merge with the managerial thinking and leads him towards his own questioning about evolution and change matters contrasting the new centurys big paradox. Despite the fact of having complex self-organized systems which are capable of adapting to chaos and uncertainty throughout permanent organizational feedback and learning processes,
we insist on the constant quest for the magical recipe leading to appropriately manage these organizations. These magical elements lead us to globalize, synthesize, minimize and unify the
administrative hassle and its solutions instead of leading us to understand the complexity and emergence of the organizational structures.

How to Cite
Martínez Crespo, J. (1). Organizations Administration and Its evolutionary development and proposals for the new century. Semestre Económico, 8(16), 67-97. Retrieved from


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