Luis Guillermo Gómez Naranjo | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Andrés Felipe Borraez Álvarez | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


The informal economy has so many conceptual developments that they aim at his definition as names has been taken to call to him. The measurement of the phenomenon also lacks methodologic homogeneity, appear in addition critics to the methods used according to its characteristics. The made studies, but the present ones, that although have advanced in the conceptual treatment of the phenomenon, even lack empirical revision, since they put under
his criteria descriptive methodologies of the phenomenon or using for the case of his measurement data derived from the accounts or national statistics made by governmental beings, which although are organisms specialized for this, they come off his studies the quantification of the  phenomenon of surveys made for other aims, lacking then methodologies you specify to quantify it. The objective is therefore to derive from the revision of the used methodologies to measure the phenomenon of the informal economy, the one that a precise measurement of the informal economy in the municipality of Medellín guarantees and to make a qualitative description of this phenomenon.

How to Cite
Gómez Naranjo, L. G., & Borraez Álvarez, A. F. (2014). NOTES ON THE INFORMAL ECONOMY CASE MEDELLIN. Semestre Económico, 8(15), 31-46. Retrieved from


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