Cruz Elvira Correa Restrepo | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


This article aims at reviewing some of the elements that supported the world order (Bi-polar) which reigned from the postwar period till the fall of Communism in the late 80s; likewise, it aims at skimming through the political, economical and social phenomena that led to the configuration of a new order (uni-polar) that started to grow at the beginning of the 90s and seems to have been consolidated as an outcome of the terrorist acts of 9/11, 2001 in New York and Washington. Finally, it focuses on the Colombian case in order to analyze how the new world order tends to uncontrollably influence on the possibility to structure a negotiated solution to the internal armed conflict, through political negotiations. 

How to Cite
Correa Restrepo, C. E. (1). THE NEW WORLD ORDER. Semestre Económico, 7(13), 44-62. Retrieved from


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