Colombian Exports: The Motor Pulls of the Economy in Difficult Moments (1990 - 2005)

Luisa Fernanda Ramírez
GICE (Grupo de Interés Coyuntura Económica)
Aura Cecilia Cannona Rodríguez
GICE (Grupo de Interés Coyuntura Económica)
Mauricio Guerra Hincapié
GICE (Grupo de Interés Coyuntura Económica)
Tatiana Vidal Gutiérrez
GICE (Grupo de Interés Coyuntura Económica)
Jahir Alexander Gutierrez Ossa
GICE (Grupo de Interés Coyuntura Económica)


The exports have great importance in the economical growing and they help to stabilitate the extern front, but in the Colombian case don't made it. However, in the country, this sector support the changes in divises affairs and finance statement. In this paper is important to do a brief and deep analysis about the Colombian exports in the international trade between 1990-2000 and your proyection 2005, inside the comercial integration deals, and to register its signification for the opening and the entrance in new markets, since the globalization and the strenght of the commerce by the economical regional groups and continental blocks as the ALCA (Free Commerce for América Deal - 2005).
How to Cite
Ramírez, L. F., Cannona Rodríguez, A. C., Guerra Hincapié, M., Vidal Gutiérrez, T., & Gutierrez Ossa, J. A. (1). Colombian Exports: The Motor Pulls of the Economy in Difficult Moments (1990 - 2005). Semestre Económico, 5(9). Retrieved from


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