Economical Valoration of Enviromental Goods

Hernán Dario Aguiar Garcés | Bio
Universidad de Medellín
Rafael A Álvarez Jiménez | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


A theme of the environmental economy is the economical of the environmental goods. The products of this valoration help to conservation and correct use of these natural resources and the regulation of theirs demand. For that the goods have value, the environmental economy applie methods of economical valoration descriptive or qualitative and quantitative for to led a sistematic evaluation of the environmental goods by the improvement of equality index that involve the numeric ponderation of the environmental characteristics and the convertion of values of medition to units limited for to do direct comparations.
How to Cite
Aguiar Garcés, H. D., & Álvarez Jiménez, R. A. (1). Economical Valoration of Enviromental Goods. Semestre Económico, 5(9). Retrieved from


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