Globalización, proteccionismo y librecambio

Mario Baena Upegui | Bio


This paper is divided into two major chapters.
I. Globalization. Topics studied here:
1. Generalities of the concept.
2. People generally addresses the subject as a simple notion of common sense.
3. Actions and functions of transnational enterprises (ETN), the axis around which globalization circles and how they have constituted into the globalizing element par excellence.
4. The concept of Globalization and International Politics. This concept is approached with the arguments in the books of the Portuguese Professor, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, and the English theoretician, Anthony Giddens.
The concept would be comprehensive of: globalized localism; localized globalism; cosmopolitanism, and the common heritage of humanity.
II. Protectionism and Free Trade. This chapter gives ñame to the paper. In it, the organic composition of capital according to the vulgar economical theory and the organic composition of capital in the classical theory are studied in a comparative manner. The analysis of the so-called open economy or free trade can tell us how detrimental it can be for the peripheral economies. It studies the affectation of the agricultural factors, raw materials, and industrial products,
III. A Brief histórica! recount of protectionism versus Free Trade. In this last chapter, the historical applicability of the afore-studied notions and concepts are expounded.


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How to Cite
Baena Upegui, M. (2015). Globalización, proteccionismo y librecambio. Semestre Económico, 6(12). Retrieved from


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