De cómo la Administración podrá desarrollar una teoría que favorezca el bienestar


Administration, as a field of knowledge, has dedicated its efforts into producing theories. aproaches and techniques that open way to the development of rationality, foreseen by the ruling economical systems, with which it has contributed to the establishment of iniquitous inequalities and to the destruction of nature.

Resolving the problem of how to administrate has led into finding solutions that seek effi-ciency in the cost-benefit relatinship for the satisfaction of private investors, failing to rec-ognize its social and ecological impacts.

Schools and experts who produce theories of administration should occupy themselves in designing organizational models that would incorpórate new concepts and new structures of costs to the economical system, which in-clude cooperation and ecology along with the concept of competition.


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LUHMANN. Niklas, Teoría Política del Bienestar, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 1997.

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How to Cite
Arango Mejía, F. F. (2015). De cómo la Administración podrá desarrollar una teoría que favorezca el bienestar. Semestre Económico, 6(11). Retrieved from


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