La abducción como elemento fundamental en el inicio del proceso de la investigación


Once formulated the on the subject of abducting "Method" as means of concomitant, effective and productive learning inside and outside of the classroom, we wonder firmly what is an abducting inference. The reply reacts immediately toward the affirmation of Pierce that "t is a provisional adoption of an explanatory hypothesis".

Taking this affirmation as a starting point, the abduction can be easily the basis of interpretation, generation and inventiveness of codes in certain context of comprehension, it helps invaluable to start making incursions with an eagle's inquiring gaze, with imagination, with hypothetical suspicious observation.


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How to Cite
Aristizábal Correa, H. (2015). La abducción como elemento fundamental en el inicio del proceso de la investigación. Semestre Económico, 6(11). Retrieved from


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