
The globalization of the world and the progress in he information systems, tend to erase the barriers between countries. This can generate orden, stability and armony but can too to make risk, crisis and conflict.

All the before themes, introduce us to the folowing conclusion: Every day is more important to unfold odels for to predict and to measure the causes of the crisis and the value of risk of the country.

The first part present the analysis of the policies of the government for the attainment of the economics objectives; the second part include the risk index, builded from subsigns, on the criterions of the politics, economics and liquid risks.


FEDESARROLLO Coyuntura Económica. Volumen XXX N. 2 (Junio 2000) Santafé de Bogotá.

FEDESARROLLO Coyuntura Económica. Volumen XXX No. 1 (Febrero 2000) Santafé de Bogotá.

RENDÓN, Jaime y ZWERG, Ann Marie. Boletín Económico BIC (marzo-1996) No. 201. Medellín Colombia. Evolución Riesgo País. Ecuador y Perú 1999.

ICESI Revista de Estudios Gerenciales. Universidad No. 71 Abril-Junio 1999. Gerardo Soto Bedoya.

Periódico el TIEMPO. Septiembre 2000.

BANCO DE LA REPÚBLICA. Borradores de Economía. No. 111-115-123, Santafé de Bogotá: 1999.

UNIVERSIDAD DE ANTIOQUIA, Centro de Investigaciones Económicas. Lecturas de Economía. Coyuntura Económica. Enero-Junio 2000 No. 52.
How to Cite
Riesgo País, G. de I. (2015). Analysis politics coyuntural (risk-country). Semestre Económico, 4(8). Retrieved from https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/economico/article/view/1390


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