Reflections About the Monitory of the Monetary International Fund and Perspectives of the Colombian Economy


An this article is analize the Multirateral Bank Agreement beetween National Goverment and International Monetary Fund (IMF). Basicly, this paper permit to know the Extended Fund Facility (EFF) by each politics and describe the Colombian Economy perpectives. First, it present some relevant facts from 1990's which affected the national economy. Them the Goverment-International Monetary Fund program is explained, with antecedent and each politics (fiscal, monetary and exchange). Finally it presented a coyuntura analysis from the program objectives focus.


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How to Cite
Coronel López, J. (2015). Reflections About the Monitory of the Monetary International Fund and Perspectives of the Colombian Economy. Semestre Económico, 4(8). Retrieved from


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