Financial crisis and the evolution of paradigm in practice of finance

Gildardo Adolfo Vargas Aguirre | Bio
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
Manuel Díaz Flores | Bio
Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes


The objective of this study is to reflect upon financial crisis resulting from the liberalization of the financial sector, and emphasizes on the elements of the paradigm that currently applies to the professional practices of this sector. With the end of identifying the most important aspects to be discussed, a bibliographical review was carried out, highlighting those historic researches done on previous financial crisis and some theoretical elements used to explain this type of crisis. The article concludes that some preliminary remarks about the diverse origins of the financial crisis reveal that they can both come from the private or public sectors. The revised authors suggest that a change of paradigm is convenient in the financial practice and consider the possibility of incorporating the sustainable use of the financial resources of the system.


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How to Cite
Vargas Aguirre, G. A., & Díaz Flores, M. (2016). Financial crisis and the evolution of paradigm in practice of finance. Semestre Económico, 19(40), 53-70.


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