Gold mining and homicide rate in Colombia 2004-2015

Camilo Lema López | Bio
HBI Banca de Inversión
Thomas Goda | Bio
Universidad EAFIT


This paper studies the casual relation between gold mining and the homicide rates in gold producing municipalities in Colombia for the 2004-2015 period. To achieve this goal, a panel data econometric model with fixed effects is used, estimated by ordinary least squares. Obtained results suggest that during the booming period of gold price (2004-2010), the increase in gold production generated an increase in homicide rates in auriferous municipalities of Colombia. While the gold price crash (2011-2015) led to a reduction in violent deaths.


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How to Cite
Lema López, C., & Goda, T. (2015). Gold mining and homicide rate in Colombia 2004-2015. Semestre Económico, 20(43), 61-80.


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