Incidence of context factors in basic high school mathematical performance in Colombia

Juan Byron Correa Fonnegra | Bio
Universidad del Valle
Carlos Andrés Orejuela Ríos | Bio
Universidad del Valle


This article evaluates the incidence of contextual factors on the mathematical perfor­mance of basic high school students classified according to their performance (low or high), pursuant to 2012 PISA Test, controlled by the type of school. Application of hierarchical linear models to mathematical results in 2012 PISA Test allows conclud­ing that school environment and family exercise a high influence on the academic performance of basic high school students in Colombia. Likewise, it has been found that the school environment has a stronger influence at independent private schools in the high-performance group; family environment has a stronger influence in public schools and leased private schools in the low-performance group.


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How to Cite
Correa Fonnegra, J. B., & Orejuela Ríos, C. A. (2018). Incidence of context factors in basic high school mathematical performance in Colombia. Semestre Económico, 20(44), 159-188.


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