Technological gaps and external restriction in Argentina during the early 2000s: a heuristic analysis

Martín Abeles | Bio
Pablo Lavarello | Bio
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Haroldo Montagu | Bio
Institute of Social Studies


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the deep determinants of the external restriction in the light of the Argentine experience during the first decade of the 2000s.The hypothesis according to which ER results from the tension between a specialization based on Ricardian and Schumpeterian efficiency is discussed .Based on a theoretical-methodological approach that is heuristic in nature, the aim is to analyze this tension in a high growth period that coincided with the boom in the international prices of raw materials. The main conclusion is that, given the lack of structural change, this tension conditioned the possibility of sustaining the tendency to reduce social gaps.


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How to Cite
Abeles, M., Lavarello, P., & Montagu, H. (2018). Technological gaps and external restriction in Argentina during the early 2000s: a heuristic analysis. Semestre Económico, 21(47), 123-146. Retrieved from


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