Employment generation in 16 societies during post-conflict: implications for public policy

William Orlando Prieto Bustos | Bio
Johanna Elizabeth Manrique Hernández | Bio
Universidad Católica de Colombia


This document discusses employment generation with public policies as an instrument for reintegration of victim population during the post-conflict. It seeks to validate the hypothesis according to which two stages may be identified: institutional strengthening and subsequent economic adjustments. It is based on a conceptual model proposed by the World Bank for implementing sustainable peace alternatives and case studies in which the importance of factors that contribute to productive inclusion of victim population is highlighted, such as: institutional strengthening, security, social and infrastructure investment, individual and social capacity generation, and educational system’s improvement to create long-term impacts in the labor market.


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How to Cite
Prieto Bustos, W. O., & Manrique Hernández, J. E. (2019). Employment generation in 16 societies during post-conflict: implications for public policy. Semestre Económico, 21(49), 147-169. https://doi.org/10.22395/seec.v21n49a6


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