Mobile information system for seed production processes in gene banks, CIAT study case

Diego Fernando Gonzalez Monroy | Bio
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Angela Marcela Hernandez Arbeláez | Bio
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
Liliana Esther Machuca Villegas | Bio
Universidad del Valle


This article is an extension of the research results presented on the Workshop on Information and Communication Technologies Applied to Agriculture (TIC-@GRO 2015). This time, details are provided about the way the mobile information system has been developed for seed production processes at gene banks. Processes conducted before in seed production are described, including the way such processes demanded a need for managing information in a reasonable, organized, updated, and accurate manner. The development of a mobile computation system is described as an indispensable element for a mobile information system which integrates elements of software, hardware, mobile devices, human resources, management, and information control; this results in characteristics of a documentation system for gene banks.


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How to Cite
Gonzalez Monroy, D. F., Hernandez Arbeláez, A. M., & Machuca Villegas, L. E. (2015). Mobile information system for seed production processes in gene banks, CIAT study case. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 15(28), 197-216.


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