Integration proposal of the model for the construction of solutions and the Canvas business model for the development of telematic systems

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Diego Fernando Burbano Santacruz
Eduardo Rojas Pineda


This article is the result of a research. It proposes a reference framework for using the Canvas Business Model in conjunction with the Solutions Construction Model for the development of telematics systems. By using the CBM and its translation for the modeling of UML-based business and the Rational Unified Process (RUP) guidelines, understanding process of the organizational context where the solution will operate and dialogue between the interested parties becomes easier. Optionally, the use of the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is proposed, as defined in the Lean Startup, as complement to the idea of operating the solution scenario before going forward to the construction stages. The reference framework was tested with the development of a telematics solution for the Scho ol of Health Sciences of Universidad del Cauca, showing its advantages and facilitating developers and customers a better understanding of the organizational context and the evolution and definition of the solution to be constructed.

How to Cite
Burbano Santacruz, D. F., & Rojas Pineda, E. (2018). Integration proposal of the model for the construction of solutions and the Canvas business model for the development of telematic systems. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 16(31), 173–197.

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Author Biographies

Diego Fernando Burbano Santacruz, Universidad del Cauca

Ingeniero en Electrónica y Telecomunicaciones, Grupo de Ingeniería Telemática, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. Carrera 2 #18N-61, casa 5, Portales de Pomona. Teléfono: +57 +2 838 2895.

Eduardo Rojas Pineda, Universidad del Cauca

M. Sc. en Sistemas y Redes de Comunicaciones. M. Sc. en Dirección Universitaria. Profesor de tiempo completo Departamento de Telemática, Grupo de Ingeniería Telemática, Universidad del Cauca, Popayán, Colombia. Edificio Ingenierías, Tulcán, Oficina 404, Teléfono: +57 +2 820 9800, ext. 2175.