Gamification in higher education: a systematic review

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Carolina Lozada-Ávila
Simón Betancur Gómez


Gamification is shown as an alternative for traditional classroom strategies and is increasingly used in higher education. The purpose of the revision is to know the way gamification has brought more interest in the following fields of knowledge in terms of bibliographic production and use: management and economics, arts and humanities, health sciences, natural and exact sciences, social and juridical sciences, engineering, and architecture. Participation was identified according to results in nine academic databases. The field with the highest percentage, based on the scale defined in the methodology, is Engineering and Architecture (3.15), while health sciences obtained 0.49. It is clearly seen that gamification is a field explored in higher education and experiences which have generated its application are different. Setting usage guidelines is recommended, including studies of a bigger scope in order to know its real effects on the learning process.

How to Cite
Lozada-Ávila, C., & Betancur Gómez, S. (2018). Gamification in higher education: a systematic review. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 16(31), 97–124.

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Author Biographies

Carolina Lozada-Ávila, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Medellín

Historiadora. Máster en Gestión documental y administración de archivos. Especialista en Gerencia de la información. Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Sede Medellín, 3184197092,

Simón Betancur Gómez, Corporación Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología de Antioquia

Ingeniero Industrial. Especialista en Gerencia de la información. Corporación Centro de ciencia y tecnología de Antioquia,