Learning Methodology of Binary Number System Based on Discovery Learning Theory

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Omar Ivan Trejos Buriticá


This article examines the possible changes in the autonomous learning of first academic term students of Computer Science Engineering from the application of the theory of learning by discovery, specifically in the assimilation, appropriation, application and feedback of the binary numerical system. The methodology used corresponds to the framework of qualitative educational research, articulated with a simple, individual and multiple case study. The research begins with the announcement of the learning theory to be used and ends with the evaluation and feedback between teacher and students based on the quality-quantitative results obtained. The Excel spreadsheet was used as a support tool and the group was segmented so that comparative criteria could be established between the traditional teaching methodology of the binary system and the methodology based on learning by discovery. The results show a more significant and meaningful learning on the part of the group to which the theory of learning by discovery was applied. In the same way, it was noted greater academic independence on the part of this subgroup of students and a greater confidence in relation to the approach of unknown topics but framed within the disciplinary knowledge proper to Computer Science Engineering.

How to Cite
Trejos Buriticá, O. I. (2018). Learning Methodology of Binary Number System Based on Discovery Learning Theory. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 17(33), 139–155. https://doi.org/10.22395/rium.v17n33a7

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Author Biography

Omar Ivan Trejos Buriticá, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira

Ph. D., Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Facultad de Ingenierías. Carrera 27 N.° 10-02, teléfono (+57)
63137300. Correo electrónico: omartrejos@utp.edu.co. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3751-6014