Defining a Software Process Model for Modding Practice

Andrés Felipe Ceballos | Bio
Universidad del Cauca
Wilson Libardo Pantoja Yépez | Bio
Universidad del Cauca
Julio Ariel Hurtado | Bio
Universidad del Cauca


Modding is a software practice, mainly spread in the videogame community, in which interdisciplinary groups of modders are involved with the aim of creating, improving and distributing extensions, called mods, for previously released software. This is done with the purpose of extending the characteristics of base products; thus, bringing new applications, compatibility, and extensibility, among other improvements. However, various problems, similar to those present in the software development process, have been involved in this practice: Communication barriers, lack of planning, unexpected results, and work repetition, among others. Thus, seeking to integrate aspects of process engineering to support these groups and reduce the problems present in this type of project, the software process “Kross Modding Process” is proposed, which provides guidance to modders through information collected in previous studies on this area.


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How to Cite
Ceballos, A. F., Pantoja Yépez, W. L., & Hurtado, J. A. (2019). Defining a Software Process Model for Modding Practice. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 19(37), 137-157.


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