Monitoring Value Indicators by Applying Data Mining, Business Process Management, and Continuous Improvement with Risk Management

Darío Enrique Soto Durán | Bio
Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria
Juan Camilo Giraldo Mejía | Bio
Tecnológico de Antioquia
Fabio Alberto Vargas Agudelo | Bio
Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria
Jovani Jiménez Builes | Bio
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Antonio Valderrama | Bio
Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria


Recognizing the behavior of processes through risk management and the assessment of value indicators (KPI), which stands for ‘Key Performance Indicators’, is something of paramount importance for institutions. One of the purposes of the continuous PDCA improvement cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act) is to determine the state of the indicators and carry out processes reengineering to achieve the ideal goal. Risk management comes from the deviation of the indicators with respect to the proposed goals. In order to determine the relevant variables of a process, monitoring and control mechanisms must be set as an efficient way to obtain the knowledge based on the use of data mining techniques (MD). These concepts articulate in a model that was developed to achieve the ideal condition of the KPIs within an institution, and it is evidenced through a case study applied to a missional process in an institution of higher education. The establishment of data mining, business process management (BPM), PDCA continuous improvement cycle (Plan - Do - Check - Act), and risk management characteristics was used to define the components of the model. The aforementioned allowed to create an effective model, capable of meeting the needs of this research in particular, and able to be used as a model for future research. The proposed model was applied to a specific case, which allowed to describe the success of the theory, as well as the analysis stated. 


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How to Cite
Soto Durán, D. E., Giraldo Mejía, J. C., Vargas Agudelo, F. A., Jiménez Builes, J., & Valderrama, A. (2019). Monitoring Value Indicators by Applying Data Mining, Business Process Management, and Continuous Improvement with Risk Management. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 19(37), 93-118.


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