Perception of Engineering Students on Remote Teaching with the Flipped-Classroom Strategy

Said Pertuz | Bio
Universidad Industrial de Santander


This text reports the results of a perception study of the students of remote teaching of the flipped-classroom method in comparison to two strategies of regular face-to-face teaching: classic elñcturing and learning based on projects. The perceptions study follows a cohort design where the students have the chance of experimenting the different pedagogic strategies in a sequence and perform an assessment at the course’s end. The perception evaluation takes into account six criteria: comprehension, theoretical concepts appropriation, disciplinary formation, integral formation, dedication and academic burden, interaction among the subjects of the process and active learning. In a pilot study with 36 students of an engineering undergraduate program, remote teaching through flipped classrooms is always better or equally valued than those face-to-face strategies in all the considered criteria.


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How to Cite
Pertuz, S. (2021). Perception of Engineering Students on Remote Teaching with the Flipped-Classroom Strategy. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 20(39), 231-250.


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