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Susana María Valencia Rodríguez
Natalia Acevedo Prins
Miguel David Rojas-López


State contracting is a relevant issue for society’s participants, because  through this mechanism State resources are invested, seeking the fulfillment  of development plan objectives, which in turn are synonymous with  collective progress. Thus, a brief theoretical explanation is given of the  enabling requirements of financial capacity that are demanded in  the specifications, with the aim of having clarity of the expected behavior  in the proposed statistical model. Subsequently, the description of the  methodology used in the research and the theoretical approach that supports  the development of the proposed regression models are presented, the  validation tests carried out are presented, and the model with which  the probability of a plurality of suppliers is predicted according to the  enabling requirements of financial capacity is presented.   

How to Cite
Valencia Rodríguez, S. M., Acevedo Prins, N., & Rojas-López, M. D. (2023). USING A LOGIT MODEL TO PREDICT PLURALITY OF BIDDERS IN PUBLIC TENDERS. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 22(42), 1–15.

Article Details


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Author Biographies

Susana María Valencia Rodríguez, Institución Universitaria Pascual Bravo

Ph.D. (c) Systems engineering and informatics, Research Groups QUALIPRO and CINCO, Professor at Faculty
of production and design

Natalia Acevedo Prins, Universidad de Antioquia

Ph.D. (c) Systems engineering and informatics, Research Group CINCO, Professor at Faculty of Economic
Sciences, Department of Statistics and Mathematics

Miguel David Rojas-López, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín

Departamento de Ingeniería de la Organización

Director Centro de Investigación y Consultoría Organizacional -CINCO-

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Minas