Maze companion: artificial intelligence application that supports mazes solving

Yana Elida Saint-Priest | Bio
Universidad Santiago de Cali
Oscar Domínguez-Acevedo | Bio
Mydigitall, Colombia
Carlos Márquez-Hernández | Bio
Colgate Palmolive, Colombia


The concentration capabilities of a child depend on his or her age and the normal process is that along with their growth their attention span grows as well; nonetheless, it is important to work on this capability from a
young age. The classic board games such as chess, mazes, triqui, puzzles, etc. require a certain amount of mental processes in order to be played and are ideal for keeping the attention of the child for several minutes. This project is an innovative proposal through image processing and width search algorithms; it solves physical mazes created by the players. The obtained effectiveness was 72 %, remarking that the quality of the sensor and the angle in which the photograph is captured is of enormous influence.


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How to Cite
Saint-Priest, Y. E., Domínguez-Acevedo, O., & Márquez-Hernández, C. (2019). Maze companion: artificial intelligence application that supports mazes solving. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 19(36), 91-105.


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