Innovation in Water Distribution and Recirculation Systems in a Sustainable Social Housing Model

Juan Osorio-Sánchez | Bio
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Jaime Ussa-Garzón | Bio
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas
Francisco Anzola-Osorio | Bio
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas


Currently, there is a high systematic inequality regarding access to water, both between and within countries. In some, there is a wasteful picture and others show high water stress. This research developed an innovative response with the design of water supply, distribution, and recirculation systems (WSDR) in a sustainable social housing model (SSH) proposed by the researchers, based on a technological assessment which considers principles of spatial, environmental and economic efficiency in aqueduct cost and public service production for builders, user comfort, resource use optimization and its supply sources. In order to achieve this, the water resource of Bogota was diagnosed and technological options for saving water in new residential buildings were proposed; their viability was evaluated and their dimensions were estimated. Among the results, it was possible to project the saving of 110.03L/day or 40 % consumption of each residential unit (UH) proposed in the SSH model and 522,200L/ month in the tasks of washing and irrigation of common areas; This would result in water savings of 2,210,000 m3 /month in the urban expansion area of Bogota, equivalent to 1,361.54 Ha.


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How to Cite
Osorio-Sánchez, J., Ussa-Garzón, J., & Anzola-Osorio, F. (2022). Innovation in Water Distribution and Recirculation Systems in a Sustainable Social Housing Model. Revista Ingenierías Universidad De Medellín, 21(41), 1-19.


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