Historical Bases of Human and Fundamental Rights and the Need for a Multicultural Conception

Barbara de Farias Betemps da silva | Bio
CAPES/Universidade Federal de Pelotas
Valmôr Scott Jr. | Bio
CAPES/Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Pelotas, Brasil


The present study focuses on human rights theory and multiculturalism. The general objective is to understand how the conception of multiculturalism has repercussions on an effective universalization of human rights that respects cultural differences between peoples. As a methodology, the proposal is to conduct a literature and documental review through legislative documents and selected theoretical framework. The approach will be hypothetical-deductive. The hypothesis that will be tested is that the conception of multiculturalism is fundamental for a universalization of human rights that respects cultural differences between peoples. Finally, it is concluded that the adoption of human rights as multicultural is a necessary means to make them effective and egalitarian in application worldwide, however, it is important to recognize that we are still far from this ideal.


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How to Cite
da silva, B. de F. B., & Scott Jr., V. (2022). Historical Bases of Human and Fundamental Rights and the Need for a Multicultural Conception. Opinión Jurídica, 21(46), 1-15. https://doi.org/10.22395/ojum.v21n46a10


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