Law and Transforming Peace. The Sense of Social Structure in Talcott Parsons

Luis Gabriel Rodríguez de la Rosa | Bio
Universidad de San Buenaventura


 Talcott Parsons’ structural functiona­lism proposes an action system, which allows analyzing social structure from aspects such as adaptation, capacity to reach goals, integration and latency. In this sense, a series of sub-systems has been found, which allows that a society functions. Law is one of them and com­plies an integrating function; besides, it becomes an instrument to fulfil social ob­jectives; the concept of transforming peace is proposed as an objective (cultural value) in social structure, and law as a suitable means to achieve integration of individuals to the social structure. It is worth mentio­ning that transforming peace is a process, and an end in itself which allows it to be a participating construction objective

How to Cite
Rodríguez de la Rosa, L. G. (2015). Law and Transforming Peace. The Sense of Social Structure in Talcott Parsons. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 4(7), 123-140. Retrieved from


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