The Body as an Artifact: Medical Technologies, Anatomy-Policies and Resistance

Jorge M. Escobar Ortiz | Bio
Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano, ITM


In this article, the thesis that there is an important change of direction in anatomy-politics bio-power of the end of XX century and beginning of XXI century is defended. This change of direction refers to the ap­pearance of different cultural trends, which embodies the human body as an artifact that may be used to show resistance to power. For this, these trends use medical technologies as a means to design the agreement body with a specific intention which allows complying certain previously selected function by whom it identifies such a body as his/her own.

How to Cite
Escobar Ortiz, J. M. (2015). The Body as an Artifact: Medical Technologies, Anatomy-Policies and Resistance. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 4(7), 145-157. Retrieved from


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