Reader’s Autobiography: a Tool for the Construction of Sense in the Teaching Job

Juan Camilo Tobón Cossio | Bio
BibloRed, Bogotá, Colombia


The studies on the didactics of reading have found, thanks to narrative research (the study of life stories), a tool for improving the mediator role of reading, the role of reading in the formative processes, and the challenges that these life stories generate in the educational panorama. This article proposes a look to these elements by putting in dialogue the work started by Spanish researchers and the challenges for its continuity in Latin American, specifically for the research proposed by Bernal et al. (2018) in the Colombian scenario. The narrative research or the life stories study is pointed out in a dynamic propper to the subjects: being a reader. By narrating reading stories in which is known as reading autobiography, a conscience of the reader self is built and deepens in the dynamics that have forged that path, which will make possible to the teachers in training and reading mediators and promoters to adopt a critical position towards their dynamics, the application of their didactics and the perspectives of the educational system. Thus, reading will rescue its experiential character in which the teacher or mediator takes as a starting point their own experience: their reading self.


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How to Cite
Tobón Cossio, J. C. (2020). Reader’s Autobiography: a Tool for the Construction of Sense in the Teaching Job. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 9(17), 163-173.


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