Urban choreographies of disdain neo-baroque aesthetics in Medellin city

Nora Margarita Vargas Zuluaga | Bio
Universidad de Medellín


Spaces and images of Medellin, capital of Antioquia state, which are promoted abroad have a mirroring quality. The metaphor of window city is excellent to describe the selected poetic in order to prescribe the ways of being in the public space. A deserting city, hyper ordered, hyper-hygienic sold as brand in images in which everything is visible and which makes continuous odes to technology and innovation. Through the offer of city images for abroad, it is intended to integrate the city culture, carrying out a reduction process to Metro culture. A culture of cleaning, efficiency, work, and apparent happiness that the urban order provides. All images showing in this analysis, were taken from in official sites of different public entities; they refer to the emergency of an elitist social class focused on the development and entrepreneurism, to innovation represented in buildings as sets, urban choreographies of disdain that in some of the cases are not either public of tourist places, (such as the case of the building of scientific innovation “Ruta N” ( because their doors are not open for everybody who wants to visit them, and, however, it looks to place within the popular imaging as a symbol of the political direction which focuses on a progress based on technology implementation and scientific research.


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How to Cite
Vargas Zuluaga, N. M. (2013). Urban choreographies of disdain neo-baroque aesthetics in Medellin city. Ciencias Sociales Y Educación, 2(4), 115-128. Retrieved from https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/Ciencias_Sociales/article/view/790


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