Construction of Reality through Media: Islamic Terrorism, Geopolitical interests and Crime Rate at the Parana Tri-Border Area
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This article examines the role played by the media in the
construction of reality, and specifically the role played –more
clearly after the attacks of September 11, 2001 in New
York and Virginia– by the American media –including some
newspapers, television stations, magazines, and governmental
agencies’ websites (where official documents are periodically
published)– and certain 'alternative media' (anti-capitalist and
anti-American), mainly Latin American, in the construction of the
external image of the so-called Parana Tri-Border Area (Paraguay,
Brazil, Argentina). As it will be seen, these representations –
especially the American ones–, despite having little support,
have contributed to produce a negative external image of the
area, almost cinematic, marked by the presence of Islamic
terrorists, traffickers of all kinds of products and CIA agents, a
view that seems to differ from the one that prevails within the
Tri-Border Area.