Journalist blogosphere in Ecuador The deliberated opinion ¿Who are they and what do they write?
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The use of blogs by Ecuadorian journalist is a process relatively new, it’s used like an alternative of free communication; way of escape form internal and external pressures that exist in the media sector of the country since the approbation of Communications Law. This paper evidences the existence of 91 blogs divided in three categories: 64 personal blogs fed by journalist, 24 associated to the great print media in Ecuador, and 3 group ones dedicated to news feed. There have been analyzed the blog’s provenance places and it’s relation with Network access levels, treated themes, the diffusion that it have in Facebook and Twitter, the kind of blogs (personal, attached to media and group ones) and, for the last, its index of abandonment and mortality, using digital tracking technique (Roger, 2009). In Ecuador the blogs aren’t monothematic; treat some branches, being journalism, communication and politics the preferred themes.