Masculinity Hierarchy and Its Audio-Visual Representation in the series Parks and Recreation

Miguel Sánchez Maldonado | Bio


In this article, the concept of gender is tackled as a socio cultural
construction, which determines a hierarchy that includes and put people
on the margin from its representation of male and female acts, ideal
for a social group. Gender discourse differentiation is the product of
several social technologies such as communication media, institutional
discourses, several epistemologies, and daily life actions. The concept of hegemonic masculinity and its representation in audio-visual products
is examined through a semiotic analysis of male characters in the
series Parks and Recreation (Daniels and Schur, 2009). The analysis
offers examples of masculine hierarchy and features of hegemonic,
subordinated, alternative, and marginal masculinities.

How to Cite
Sánchez Maldonado, M., & Muñoz Yáñez, B. A. (2016). Masculinity Hierarchy and Its Audio-Visual Representation in the series Parks and Recreation. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 15(29), 71-88.


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