Observing communication media representation about education: Bío-Bío radio case

Fernando Farías Olavarría | Bio
Universidad del Bío-Bío,
Cristian Orellana Fonseca
Universidad del Bío-Bío


The object of this study is to describe social representation about education in mass communication media such as Bio-Bio Radio. With this purpose, a corpus from newspaper articles published in the year 2013, was constructed, which was analyzed with lexicometric procedures and thematic elemental contexts. Through these procedures, it was possible to identify the main agents involved, their impulse topics and to recognize three new clusters, which marked the representation of education during the year 2013: “Mobilization,” “University system,” “Reply of the political system,” with the purpose of tackling the crisis of the education system.

How to Cite
Farías Olavarría, F., Orellana Fonseca, C., & Pérez Díaz, G. (2016). Observing communication media representation about education: Bío-Bío radio case. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 15(29), 89-102. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v15n29a4


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