Videoactivism and Construction of Mediatic Identities, Youtube and #YoSoy132

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Salomé Sola-Morales


The main goal of this paper is to analyze #YoSoy132 construction of mediatic identities through videoactivism, and to question if YouTube was determinant or simply instrumental in the implosion of the movement. During the 2012 'Mexican Spring', students and citizens not only occupied the streets to quest for a 'real democracy' or to express their dissent through very significant demonstrations, but they also occupied the internet to protest. First of all, identity features of the movement are analyzed in relation with the following variables: 1) nucleus of belonging, 2) main sociodemographic features, 3) forms of leadership, 4) interests, 5) collective identity, and 6) relationship with otherness. Second, through a qualitative methodology 'content analysis', this paper analyzes the most relevant pieces of videoactivism produced by young adults. This study focused on the role and function of the videos to know if social media was 'instrumental' or 'determinant'. Third, mediatic identities represented in the videos are analyzed by exploring the following aspects: a) protagonists appearing in the videos: main role, gender and age range, b) locations where these characters appear and c) type of identity represented: hegemonic or counter-hegemonic, majority or minority. The main result of this research is that a resistence and contra-hegemonic identity is created through YouTube videos by young Mexicans. Moreover, being #YoSoy132 goes far beyond being young, student or belonging to a specific university. In this regard, the scenario is not occupied by a single subject or specific group of people, but it belongs to the 'oppressed' and to persons at risk or discrimination.

How to Cite
Sola-Morales, S. (2019). Videoactivism and Construction of Mediatic Identities, Youtube and #YoSoy132. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 18(35), 19–38.

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Author Biography

Salomé Sola-Morales, University of Seville

Ph.D. in Media, Communication and Culture, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (aub). MA in Politics and Democracy, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Uned). Researcher in the Communication, Politics and Social Change (Compolíticas) interdisciplinary group, Honorary Assistant in the Journalism Department 1 at Universidad de Sevilla. She has been Associated Professor and Research Coordinator in the Universidad de Santiago de Chile; and Assistant Professor at International University of Catalonia, Spain, and at AUB (Spain). Visiting Professor at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain). Her papers and essays on identity, body, politics and their relationship with the media have been published in journals such as Culture, Language and Representation, Doxa Communication, IC Journal, History and Social Communication, Mediaciones Sociales, Tabula Rasa, Chasqui, Athenea, Poliantea, Estudos em Comunicaçao, Ars Brevis or Cinta de Moebio and by publishers, such as Peter Lang and Praeger/ABC-CLIO California. Her H-Index is 5