Facebook as a Communication Media in Farmers’ Organizations in Catatumbo

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J. F. Barbosa Trigos
E. F. Ríos Pacheco


This article is an answer to the research titled as Evolution and impact of the Facebook social network as mass media for the Catatumbo farmers’ organizations Ascamcat and Cisca, developed for identifying the dynamics between the use of social media as a tool for broadcasting the activities of these groups, taking into account the importance of their media actions in the subregion of the North of Santander region, the Colombian Catatumbo, therefore its relevance for their inhabitants, who can take profit of this tool for their social progress.

The research gathered qualitative data through observations and semi-structured interviews, giving place
to the comprehension given by the 2.0 Web, and thus determining the dynamics that are a byproduct of the use of Facebook as a communication media by farmer’s organizations of the Catatumbo region, Ascamcat and Cisca.

For the Catatumbo’s Farmers’ Association and Social Integration Committee of Catatumbo, Facebook is a tool that works in three axes: making visible the activities developed by each organization; displaying the realities of each region, integrated by 11 municipalities in North of Santander and redressing the information issued by the national and regional mass media .

Therefore, even though the social network was not created or designed for becoming a mass media, it is, essentially, a window for displaying the realities of the Catatumbo region, redressing in some cases the hegemonic discourse of the traditional media: radio, press and television.

How to Cite
Barbosa Trigos, J. F., & Ríos Pacheco, E. F. (2021). Facebook as a Communication Media in Farmers’ Organizations in Catatumbo. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 20(39), 181–196. https://doi.org/10.22395/angr.v20n39a8

Article Details


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Author Biographies

J. F. Barbosa Trigos, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña

Docente investigador del Grupo de Investigación Communis de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña, Colombia. Comunicador Social, Magíster en Comunicación Digital de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana.

E. F. Ríos Pacheco, Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña

Docente investigador del Grupo de Investigación Communis de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Ocaña, Colombia. Comunicador Social, Magíster en Desarrollo Local del Isead (España) y la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander Cúcuta.