Study on the existence of a Second State in the demarcations near the metro and avenida Río de los Remedios

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Fabiola Olvera Aldana


The areas near the subway station Río de los Remedios Avenue includes a group of 27 neighborhoods belonging to the municipalities of Ecatepec de Morelos, Nezahualcóyotl and Gustavo A. Madero. In this area, the presence of a second social actor with the capacity to take control of the community can be observed. The main objective of the research was to show the existence and control of the Second State in the aforementioned demarcation, through the analysis of the violence in the area and the performance in the face of crime that the inhabitants have developed. To this end, research was conducted with a mixed approach. Three data collection techniques were used: interview, survey and digital ethnography. All of them were carried out by digital means. Through the information gathered, it could be seen that in the area under study there is a Second State that has generated the creation of a performance in the face of crime, with which the inhabitants adapt their behaviors to avoid being victims of violence. The presence of the Second State has become so commonplace that multiple actions that were originally violent have been normalized and, under certain circumstances, are considered positive. It was noted that the power of the Second Estate cannot be conceived of as being against government authorities, but rather, to a large extent, in articulation with them.

How to Cite
Olvera Aldana, F. . (2023). Study on the existence of a Second State in the demarcations near the metro and avenida Río de los Remedios. Anagramas Rumbos Y Sentidos De La Comunicación, 22(43), 1–22.

Article Details


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Author Biography

Fabiola Olvera Aldana, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Profesora e investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales 

Posgrado de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales